The Dinder Club policy reflects our diverse and inclusive community. We want to promote respect for all people and mutual care, to protect ourselves and generate connections and healthy relationships and good experiences.

How can I report violations of the regulations while using the application?

Report any offensive behavior that you detect or that you experience same while using Dinder Club: our application allows you to block and report other users who fail to comply with the Dinder Club regulations.

Non-compliance with regulations

1. Disrespect

Respect other people as you would like them to respect you. Disrespect of any kind such as: insults, taunts, derogatory comments... is not allowed in any individual chat, group chat or during a date or plan.

It is not allowed to use language that incites hatread and attacks on others because of race, ideology, ethnic group, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability or disease.

2. Photographs or false identity:

Upload photos of yourself or aspects of your life that you want to show, such as hobbies or interests. Uploading photos with the following content is not allowed:

  • Offensive
  • Exaltation or promotion of self-harm
  • That they promote hatred or any kind
  • Sale of firearms, drugs and sexual services
  • Pornographic
  • Nacked
  • Minors
  • That they incite violence, terrorism and organized crime

*Exceptions: photos of breastfeeding women, nude in paintings and sculptures are accepted.

In an appointment or plan where only you can go, it is not allowed for someone other than you show up on your behalf.

3. Harassment:

You are not allowed to insist on saying things you don't like or ask the other person to do things they don't want to. This fact can make the other person feel uncomfortable. There are different types of bullying:

  • Sexual harassment: touching, observations and comments, sexual proposals in a demanding manner, obscene gestures or looking at the body in an intimidating manner, sexual jokes or jokes, text messages with sexual content.
  • Harassment due to gender: sexist jokes or comments, ridiculing work abilities or activities, not valuing who you are because of gender or ignoring contributions.
  • Psychological harassment: comments that make you feel bad or humiliate you. Disparaging comments and feeling more powerful than you.

4. Violence and abuse:

Abuse happens when someone makes you do something you don't want to do. Any form of violence or abuse of any kind is not allowed, as well as threatening action that involves attacks on other people.

5. Punctuality:

Being a punctual person is respecting the other, as time is just as valuable as yours. Punctuality in the following cases will be penalized:

  • Don't show uo for an appointment and don't notify the other person.
  • Not showing up to a plan than you are signed up for and not notifying the facilitator.
  • Cancel attendance at the plan less than 48 hours in advance and without justification.